conducted by Hanan Kassab Hassan
organized by AFPA - AGONISTIK for performing arts
in collaboration with
Al Madina Theatre Association For Arts & Culture
ATTC - Arab Theatre Training Centre
TAMASI performing arts collective
MISHKAL festival
حصلت حنان قصاب حسن على الدكتوراه في المسرح من جامعة السوربون في فرنسا (1982) وقامت بتدريس سميولوجيا المسرح والفنون البصرية في عدد من الجامعات منها جامعة دمشق والجامعة اليسوعية في بيروت. كذلك شغلت منصب مدير عام أوبرا دمشق (2009-2011) وأمين عام احتفالية دمشق عاصمة الثقافة العربية
(2007-2009) وعميد المعهد العالي للفنون المسرحية (2006-2009). لها عدد كبير من الأبحاث والكتب من أهمها معجم المسرح، مفاهيم المسرح وفنون العرض، كما أنها ترجمت مسرحيات جينيه وبيكيت وكولتيس وسعدالله ونوس من وإلى الفرنسية
Hanan Kassab-Hassan
PhD in theatre and drama studies from the Sorbonne, she is professor of Semiotics of Visual Arts and Theatre at Damascus University and Saint Joseph University in Beirut.
Kassab-Hassan was also General Manager of Damascus Opera House (2009-2011), General Secretary of Damascus Arab Capital of Culture (2007-2009), and Dean of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts (2006-2009). She wrote many books and articles about theatre and fine arts, among which "Dictionary of theatre, terms and concepts of theatre and performing arts" (2007). She translated also many plays of Genet, Koltes, Beckett and Saadallah Wannous.
Titulaire d'un doctorat de théâtre de la Sorbonne (1982), Hanan Kassab-Hassan s'est consacrée pendant 38 ans à l'enseignement de la sémiologie du théâtre et des arts visuels. Elle a occupé les postes de Directrice Générale de l'Opéra de Damas (2009-2011), de Secrétaire Générale de Damas Capitale Arabe de la Culture (2007-2009), et de Doyenne de l'Institut Supérieur des Arts Dramatiques de Damas (2006-2009). Elle a traduit plusieurs pièces de théâtre (Genet, Koltès, Beckett, Saadallah Wannous) et écrit un grand nombre d'articles et de recherches dont ''Le Dictionnaire de théâtre, termes et concepts du théâtre et des arts dramatiques'' (1997).
4 sessions of 5 hours each,
January, 11, 12, 18, 19, 2014
from 2:00pm till 7:00pm
participation fees: 99.000 LBP
(AFPA members: 44.000 LBP)
applications should be sent to:
cc to: nagy.souraty@gmail.com
Deadline for the submission of applications is on Friday December 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm
for more info: + 961 70 72 71 78
PhD in theatre and drama studies from the Sorbonne, she is professor of Semiotics of Visual Arts and Theatre at Damascus University and Saint Joseph University in Beirut.
Kassab-Hassan was also General Manager of Damascus Opera House (2009-2011), General Secretary of Damascus Arab Capital of Culture (2007-2009), and Dean of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts (2006-2009). She wrote many books and articles about theatre and fine arts, among which "Dictionary of theatre, terms and concepts of theatre and performing arts" (2007). She translated also many plays of Genet, Koltes, Beckett and Saadallah Wannous.
Titulaire d'un doctorat de théâtre de la Sorbonne (1982), Hanan Kassab-Hassan s'est consacrée pendant 38 ans à l'enseignement de la sémiologie du théâtre et des arts visuels. Elle a occupé les postes de Directrice Générale de l'Opéra de Damas (2009-2011), de Secrétaire Générale de Damas Capitale Arabe de la Culture (2007-2009), et de Doyenne de l'Institut Supérieur des Arts Dramatiques de Damas (2006-2009). Elle a traduit plusieurs pièces de théâtre (Genet, Koltès, Beckett, Saadallah Wannous) et écrit un grand nombre d'articles et de recherches dont ''Le Dictionnaire de théâtre, termes et concepts du théâtre et des arts dramatiques'' (1997).
4 sessions of 5 hours each,
January, 11, 12, 18, 19, 2014
from 2:00pm till 7:00pm
participation fees: 99.000 LBP
(AFPA members: 44.000 LBP)
applications should be sent to:
cc to: nagy.souraty@gmail.com
Deadline for the submission of applications is on Friday December 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm
for more info: + 961 70 72 71 78
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